Supporting West Kent Mind in 2022

I have always been an avid charity supporter with one of my core values being to help others. In 2022 I sign up once more for the Silent Auction with West Kent Mind. I am donating 3 hours of Life, Leadership, or Confidence coaching. These 3 hours are to work on yourself with me as your partner to guide and explore. If you want to thrive and grow personal development is essential so I am delighted to offer this whilst supporting a local and brilliant charity.

Flip the Fear Coaching
is thrilled to be part of WLA Coachathon 17Nov21
WLA Coachathon 2021, I am offering eight, 45 minute coaching sessions in return for a minimum £25 donation to MicroLoan Foundation. 17th November will be a busy day for me, yet totally worth it!
That’s right, you can book your next life-changing coaching session with me for just £25.
What’s more, that £25 will be directly donated to MicroLoan, supporting a woman in sub-Saharan Africa to start changing her life and the life of other woman facing extreme poverty, all for just £25.
As part of their own small business, generating an income to feed her family, pay for healthcare and send her children to school.
Book now - it’s first come first serve!
Email me today to book your session as part of the WLA Coachathon, a 24-hour, global coaching marathon taking place on 17th November 2021.