I am the Coach & Mentor that believes in you!
My honest and humble belief is that your true potential is within you, even if it doesn't feel like that right now. Wherever you are confidence can grow with the right support and environment.
After many years of managing and mentoring in the travel industry I looked within to explore what was most important to me and my beliefs when deciding on my next career move. If I am honest, it is what internally I had been screaming out to do for a long time, and teetering on the edge of doing for 5 years, which was Life Coaching! And guess what?! Since I have fully connected with myself and jumped on this amazing journey so many of my old work colleagues and friends have commented on this role is ideal for me, strange that hey! Others believed in me and a new direction yet I hadn't!
Deep down inside what brought me to coaching were two catalysts. Working on myself, old limiting beliefs and fears that were particularly holding me back, developing a deeper level of self-confidence, plus absolutely knowing how much I want to help provide as many people as I can the space and opportunity to make the absolute best of their life.
Life holds many challenges but there really is no such thing as failure, FAIL stands for First Attempt In Learning. It is our journey that provides the learnings to get us to where we want to be, yet we must truly see those learnings, use them, grow from them, and develop the confidence to be the best version of ourselves.
Letting go of the shackles of self-doubt, imposture syndrome, comparisonitis, scarcity, limiting beliefs, and fear can uncover the best of you. It simply takes some self-investment and commitment to change. You are just as capable as the next person in getting what you want out of your life.
Not to be morbid but the number 1 regret said on a person’s deathbed is “I wish I had given X a go”
“Failure” and “Fear” are so prevalent in today's world. I have been there, wondering “What if”, held back by the inner critic voice, comparing myself. I have been the only single mum I knew having a pregnancy and starting motherhood alone, I have been fearful of making decisions- do I stay at home and be a full-time mum or have a career that my daughter could be proud of and aspire to? I have feared changing job roles, committing to a mortgage alone, or going on a date again. I have been anxious to “do things right”(btw there is no defined wrong and right, simply what is right for you at this moment in time). I have suffered from insomnia and been crippled by rumination. This is why it is so important for me to take my learnings and dedicate my time and career to helping others who have experienced something similar, or have a real desire to change their life and gain new perspectives.
On top of my experience, I wanted to have the skill and tools of an accredited coach to give a well-rounded effective approach. I have therefore invested in myself and hold a fully accredited ICF and IC Transformational Life Coaching Diploma with Animas Coaching, alongside various CPDs.
I currently do 121 coaching in Sevenoaks, via zoom, phone, and in the beauty of nature. I am also privileged to volunteer and work as a coach with Age UK & vulnerable persons via My Life.